-------------------- D-CON 2016 in Saarbrücken ---------------------------------------------
This is a draft schedule.
The current schedule allows for presentation slots that are - 25 minutes long, plus - 5 minutes for questions, plus - 5 minutes guard times. The latter is meant to enable loss-free change of seminar rooms in between presentations (and bio-breaks).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon, March 7:
9:00 Welcome 9:10-10:20 Session A - Quantitative Concurrency ||| Concurrency Topologies
A.1. Quantitative Concurrency
J Krämer, Paderborn - The Value of Attack Defence Diagrams H Kangli, Shanghai - PSTeC: A Location-time Driven Modelling Formalism for Probabilistic Real-time Systems
A.2. Concurrency Topologies
E D'Osualdo, Kaiserslautern - On Hierarchical Communication Topologies in the pi-calculus C J Rickmann, Berlin - Topological Self-Stabilization with Name-Passing Process Calculi
--- Coffee ---
10:50-12:00 Session B - Causality-based Concurrency ||| Analysis of Concurrent Programs
B.1. Causality-based Concurrency
E Erofeev, Oldenburg - Generating All Minimal Petri Net Unsolvable Binary Words P-D Brodmann, Berlin - Refinement for Dynamic Causality Event Structures
B.2. Analysis of Concurrent Programs
C Matheja, Aachen - Compositional Refinement of Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions S Kenter, Münster - Graphs of bounded tree-width for lock-sensitive analysis of parallel programs
--- Lunch ---
13:15-14:15 Invited talk
Rupak Majumdar, MPI-SWS - Verification of Population Protocols
--- Coffee ---
14:35-15:45 Session C - Synchronicity ||| Discussion I
C.1. Synchronicity
H Beohar, Duisburg - Desynchronisation of synchronous systems M Mendler, Bamberg - Sequential Constructiveness in Synchronous Programming
C.2. Discussion I
Keep it Fair: Equivalence and Composition Moderators: S Mennicke, T Prehn
--- Short Coffee ---
15:50-17:00 Session D.1 - Discussion II
Modelling and Analysing Dynamic Asynchronous Systems and Notions of Causality, Conflicts and Confluence in Graph Rewriting and Concurrency Theory Moderators: A Heußner, G Kulcsár, M Lochau, S Mennicke
--- More Coffee ---
17:05-18:10 Session D.2 - Discussion III
What is this Rule-based Modelling Anyways? Moderator: T Heindel
18:20- D-CON Bizz meting
19:30- Dinner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, March 8:
9:00-9:45 Guest Speaker
H Garavel, Grenoble - Nested-Unit Petri Nets
--- Coffee ---
10:15-12:00 Session E - Interface Automata ||| Applied Concurrency
E.1. Interface Automata
S Fendrich, Bamberg - A Generalised Theory of Interface Automata, Component Compatibility and Error F P Bujtor, Augsburg - Action-CTL for Modal Interface Automata L Luthmann, Darmstadt - A Compositional ioco Testing Theory based on Modal Interface Automata with Input Refusals
E.2. Applied Concurrency
H Evrard, Grenoble - DLC: Compiling a Concurrent System Formal Specification to a Distributed Implementation N Azmy, Saarbrücken - Proving correctness of the peer-to-peer protocol Pastry S Küpper, Duisburg - Conditional Transition Systems: Analysis and Application to Software Product Lines
12:05-12:15 Closing
--- Lunch ---
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Dependable Systems & Software Group | Department of Computer Science | Universität des Saarlandes |