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[KatoenKLW07] Katoen, J. P.; Klink, D.; Leucker, M. and Wolf, V. Three-valued abstraction for continuous-time Markov chains. In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Computer aided verification, pages 311-324, Springer, CAV , 2007.
Downloads: bibAbstract. This paper proposes a novel abstraction technique for continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs). Our technique fits within the realm of three-valued abstraction methods that have been used successfully for traditional model checking. The key idea is to apply abstraction on uniform CTMCs that are readily obtained from general CTMCs, and to abstract transition probabilities by intervals. It is shown that this provides a conservative abstraction for both true and false for a three-valued semantics of the branching-time logic CSL (Continuous Stochastic Logic). Experiments on an infinite-state CTMC indicate the feasibility of our abstraction technique.

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