I am a Ph.D. student at the chair of Prof. Holger Hermanns since March 2024. My research interests lie in the quantification of uncertainties in systems, analysis methods for large-scale systems, as well as the learning of model representations.

I completed my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in computer science with a minor in mathematics at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2022 and 2024, respectively. My first research interests during this time were in the domain of smart energy at the Laboratory of Computer Networks and Communication Systems from Prof. Reinhard German, where I had the opportunity to visit the Monash Energy Institute at Monash University in 2022. Later on, I gained an increased interest in formal methods and switched to probabilistic model checking, more exactly to the analysis of non-Markovian models. In this context, I visited the Software Technologies Lab from Prof. Enrico Vicario at the University of Florence during my Erasmus stay in 2023, where I studied in my Master’s thesis the interplay between an analytical method and rare event simulation.


Year Publication
2024 G. Dengler, L. Carnevali, C. E. Budde, and E. Vicario
Transient Evaluation of Non-Markovian Models by Stochastic State Classes and Simulation
QEST+FORMATS 2024 (Springer, arXiv)
2023 G. Dengler, P. Lalbakhsh, P. Bazan, A. Liebman, and R. German
A Conversational Human-Computer Interface for Smart Energy Simulation Environments
Winter Simulation Conference 2023
2022 G. Dengler, P. Bazan, and R. German:
Simulation of a Cellular Energy System including hierarchies and neighborhoods
Energy Informatics.Academy 2022
2022 M. Fritscher, G. Dengler, C. Bleibaum, M. Niebisch and R. German:
Accelerating Veins Simulations by Utilizing Task Parallelism on a HPC Cluster without Introducing Major Inaccuracies


  • Integration of Rare Event Simulation in Stochastic State Class Analysis, Master’s thesis, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2024
  • Local Management in the Cellular Energy System, Bachelor’s thesis, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2022


Winter 2020/21 Student TA for Konzeptionelle Modellierung (Conceptual Modeling) at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Summer 2020 Student TA for Rechnerkommunikation (Computer Communication) at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Winter 2019/20 Student TA for Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Data Structures) at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg


If you have any questions feel free to contact me or just come to my office:

Address: Campus Saarbrücken, 66123 Saarbrücken
Location: Bldg. E1 3, Room 533
E-mail: dengler@depend.uni-saarland.de