Dependable Systems and Software
The ever accelerating trend towards sophisticated computing systems pervades application areas where computing services need to function with great reliance. Automotive, avionics, and energy production are typical industrial sectors where different or multiple properties of such services – e.g., availability, performance, real-time response, ability to avoid catastrophic failures, prevention of deliberate privacy intrusions – are crucial.
The chair for Dependable Systems and Software at Saarland University conducts research and teaching in the area of Dependability.
A system is dependable
if reliance can justifiably be placed on
the service it delivers.
Dependability thus includes as special cases such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, security. The design of dependable systems and software asks for strong modelling and analysis methods for design-time prediction of dependability attributes. To this end the chair covers the area of formal verification, quantitative modelling, and distributed system design in a unified research and teaching structure.