I was a member of the chair from December 2016 until 2024. I received my PhD in 2023.

I worked on effective human oversight of high-risk AI systems. An interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, philosophers, psychologists and lawyers evaluated the EU’s proposal for an AI Act and the requirements it imposes on different actors involved in the production and deployment of high-risk AI systems.

My PhD thesis covers the application and extension of formal methods in the context of software doping. This terminology started to appear in 2016, one year after the U.S. first reported about manipulated emission cleaning software in Volkswagen cars (and later in cars of other manufacturers, too).


Year Publication
2024 Sarah Sterz, Kevin Baum, Sebastian Biewer, Holger Hermanns, Anne Lauber-Rönsberg, Philip Meinel, Markus Langer:
On the Quest for Effectiveness in Human Oversight: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Accepted for ACM FAccT 2024. Preprint available.
2024 Sebastian Biewer, Kevin Baum, Sarah Sterz, Holger Hermanns, Sven Hetmank, Markus Langer, Anne Lauber-Rönsberg, Franz Lehr:
Software Doping Analysis for Human Oversight.
Formal Methods in System Design.
2023 Sebastian Biewer, Bernd Finkbeiner, Holger Hermanns, Maximilian A. Köhl, Yannik Schnitzer, Maximilian Schwenger:
On the road with RTLola.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 25(2)
2023 Sebastian Holler, Sebastian Biewer, Clara Schneidewind:
HoRStify: Sound Security Analysis of Smart Contracts.
CSF 2023
2022 Sebastian Biewer, Holger Hermanns:
On the Detection of Doped Software by Falsification.
FASE 2022
2022 Sebastian Biewer, Rayna Dimitrova, Michael Fries, Maciej Gazda, Thomas Heinze, Holger Hermanns, Mohammad Reza Mousavi:
Conformance Relations and Hyperproperties for Doping Detection in Time and Space.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 2022, Volume 18, Issue 1
2021 Sebastian Biewer, Pedro D’Argenio, Holger Hermanns:
Doping Tests for Cyber-Physical Systems.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 2021, Volume 31, Issue 3
2021 Sebastian Biewer, Bernd Finkbeiner, Holger Hermanns, Maximilian A. Köhl, Yannik Schnitzer, Maximilian Schwenger:
RTLola on Board: Testing Real Driving Emissions on your Phone.
TACAS 2021
2020 Rayna Dimitrova, Maciej Gazda, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Sebastian Biewer, Holger Hermanns:
Conformance-Based Doping Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems.
FORTE 2020
2019 Sebastian Biewer, Pedro D’Argenio, Holger Hermanns:
Doping Tests for Cyber-Physical Systems.
QEST 2019
Best Paper Award
2018 Holger Hermanns, Sebastian Biewer, Pedro R. D’Argenio, Maximilian A. Köhl:
Verification, Testing, and Runtime Monitoring of Automotive Exhaust Emissions.
LPAR 2018
2018 Maximilian A. Köhl, Holger Hermanns, Sebastian Biewer:
Efficient Monitoring of Real Driving Emissions.
RV 2018
2018 Sebastian Biewer, Pedro R. D’Argenio, Holger Hermanns:
Cyber-Physical Doping Tests.
MT@CPSWeek 2018
2017 Sebastian Biewer, Felix Freiberger, Pascal Leo Held, Holger Hermanns:
Teaching Academic Concurrency to Amazing Students.
Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools 2017
2017 Pedro R. D’Argenio, Gilles Barthe, Sebastian Biewer, Bernd Finkbeiner, Holger Hermanns:
Is Your Software on Dope? - Formal Analysis of Surreptitiously “enhanced” Programs.
ESOP 2017
2015 Christian Lander, Marco Speicher, Denise Paradowski, Norine Coenen, Sebastian Biewer, Antonio Krüger:
Collaborative Newspaper: Exploring an adaptive Scrolling Algorithm in a Multi-user Reading Scenario.
PerDis 2015


2019 Teaching Assistant, Programmierung 1, Saarland University
2017 Teaching Assistant, Nebenläufige Programmierung, Saarland University
2013 Supervision Student TA, Programmierung 1, Saarland University
2013 Student TA, Programmierung 2, Saarland University
2012 Student TA, Programmierung 1, Saarland University


Address: Campus Saarbrücken, 66123 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 302 5633
Location: Bldg. E1 3, Room 534
E-mail: ed.dnalraas-inusecret.dneped@reweib